7 Ways To Make Your White Dresser Look Trendy

How do you make your old white dresser look trendy? It’s a frequent question that perplexes many homeowners. For some, they want to keep their dresser but are unsure about how they can spruce it up. Others might be hesitant to try a new style because they don’t know where to start.

If you want to refresh your dresser, keep reading. This article will explain a few ways you can make your dresser match the latest trends.

How To Make White Dresser Look Trendy?

1. Add a New Coat of Paint

Dressers can appear worn if their finish is faded or turning yellow. To perk it up, you can add a fresh paint coat.

If you want to keep your furniture pure white, do your best to find a shade that matches the original. Depending on how bright you want the dresser, you might need to apply a few coats. Make sure to take your time and let each layer fully dry. Otherwise, you risk them peeling or bubbling.

While white is a timeless hue, if you want it to look extra trendy, you could add a splash of color. After you apply a white base, you could brush another tint on various panels or at the top.

You might also aim to do a vibrant geometric design. The contrast will make your white dresser an eye-catching piece.

2. Replace the Hardware

Old handles and knobs can make the dresser look dated. While some might like the antique feel, it doesn’t always work with certain trends and styles.

The first step is to search for new hardware. You can find this at a local appliance store, hobby and craft shops, or online. If you find any pieces that you like, you could buy one of each and then test them out. This allows you to see how they’ll look on the furniture so you can determine which is ideal.

When you find one that matches your preferences, start removing the current hardware. In most cases, you’ll just need a screwdriver to do so.

After the pieces are gone, secure your new hardware. You can use a screwdriver for this step as well.

3. Apply a Decal

A unique trend to consider is to put a decal on the dresser . This keeps the basic white design but adds a dramatic flair.

To apply a decal, you’ll want to place it in warm water for a few minutes. This process will help release it from the paper base it’s glued to.

When you notice that the paper has released itself, carefully lift it and smooth it over the dresser. Once it’s properly applied, peel away the backing. If you notice that it’s not straight, quickly readjust it. You can continue to do so while it’s wet. However, after it dries, it’s stuck.

To keep it in place, you might want to brush a clear varnish over it. The varnish will seal the decal and prevent it from bubbling or tearing.

4. Repurpose It

Your dresser might be intended to hold clothes, but you don’t have to keep it for this. If you want to upscale your dresser, try using it for a different purpose. For instance, convert it into a desk. You could also place it beneath your TV . It won’t only add a nice touch to the room but can serve as a storage space for remotes.

You could also disassemble it and use the pieces for other projects. Some include:

  • Using the drawers as flower containers.
  • Installing wheels on the bottom and using it as a tool chest.
  • Converting a drawer into a pet bed.

5. Switch Out the Legs

Another idea is to swap the legs. This can add a slight shabby chic look. Some furniture leg designs you could use are:

  • Double scroll
  • Turned twist
  • Marlborough
  • Tapered
  • Saber
  • Reeded
  • Straight

You could also unfasten the legs and leave the dresser without them. This will give the piece a mid-century appearance - a style that’s steadily coming back.

6. Drill a Perforated Pattern on the Drawers

If you want to be creative, grab a drill and design a perforated pattern on the drawers. This fun technique was popular during the 1930s. It has since roared back as a retro trend.

You have plenty of design options you can try on the drawer. If you need inspiration, go online and do a quick search. You’ll find many examples you could attempt.

To start, make a quick sketch of the places where you need to drill. If you want to add different circle sizes, make sure that you have the right bits. This way, you can quickly exchange them during the process.

When you’re done, take a piece of sandpaper and smooth the holes. You might need to wipe them out or use a vacuum to remove wood dust. When you’ve cleaned the space, add a fresh coat of white paint. Let the piece dry for at least a day.

7. Attach Rough Textures

Textures will give your dresser a distinctive effect. They’re perfect for those who want to give a room a cozier feel. Textures will also capture different light angles which can highlight their depth.

To do this, take some wood scraps and place them in various patterns and layers. For example, you could use long wooden beams on the drawers to showcase their length. You also could cut blocks and glue them so they look as if they’re twirling to the top.

After applying the texture, you’ll want to paint it. You can coat the materials in white or another color so they stand out from the white base.

To Conclude

White is a classic color that will never go out of style. If you want to refresh your white dresser, consider these trends. They’re easy to do and will keep your white furniture looking up-to-date.

If you’re looking for white furniture , check out White Tree Furniture’s inventory. We offer a huge selection of items that aren’t only trendy, but durable.

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