Dear customers,
The Welsh government has decided to impose a lock down from 23rd October due to the coronavirus.
Our supplier sent us the following message regarding Welsh post codes:
Message from our supplier to Welsh customers:
Herewith we would like to inform you, due to the Welsh government imposing a lock down from 23rd October, out transporter Domestic Distribution will now only be able to provide a doorstep delivery to all the Welsh post codes. The restrictions will be applied for the length of time the local government impose the restrictions/lockdown.
The crew will adhere to the following protocols.
1) Crew will call when outside the property
2) Crew will place the item(s) on the doorstep
3) Crew will knock on the door and then step away ensuring safe distance is maintained.
4) Crew will ask the name of the recipient, no signature obtained.
For the time, deliveries will continue as usual to England and Scotland but we will let you know if there are any changes.
Thank you for your kind understanding.
White Tree Furniture Team